University Model Change and Freedom of Information

  • Schiffer András
doi: 10.32566/ah.2022.3.6


The change in the university model, the creation of public trusts with a public service mission, has provoked heated debates not only in Hungary, but also in relations between Hungary and the European Union. Concerns are growing about the future transparency of the model universities and the new type of foundations set up to maintain them from public funds at the expense of national assets. It is therefore worth examining how the freedom of information, as a fundamental constitutional right, which is also supported by a pillar of state organisation in the Fundamental Law, can be applied in the future in the operation of public trusts and model universities that perform a public function. It is clear that public trusts with a public-service mission and model universities are public bodies with a public-service mission from both a missionoriented and a property perspective. However, an examination of the law on public trusts with a public purpose, the law on the more economical operation of public enterprises, the sectoral regulation of higher education and Annex 1 to the Infotv reveals some inconsistencies and gaps that may underpin concerns.


freedom of information public trusts with a public service mission higher education institutions public body with a public service mission transparency university model change public money national property public procurement electronic publication

How to Cite

Schiffer, A. (2023). University Model Change and Freedom of Information. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 10(3), 141–160.


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