On the Impact of Climate Change on Human Rights, in Particular the Right to Food

  • Tahyné Kovács Ágnes
doi: 10.32566/ah.2022.2.6


The starting point of the study is a resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 19 May 2021, regarding the effects of climate change on human rights, which together influence the enforceability of human rights. Humanity is plagued by pandemics and a severe triple environmental crisis – climate disruption, the collapse of biodiversity and widespread pollution – which further delay the realisation of the 2030 sustainability goals. Of these four sets of problems, the present study highlights the phenomenon of climate change and the enforcement of the right to food. It reviews the international framework of documents and cooperating organisations regarding the enforcement of the right to food and then looks at some examples of the outcome of enforcement, depending on the regulatory level at which the right to food appeared. Enforcing the right to food can also affect the enforcement of rights related to the state of the environment. The context of human rights also reflects the context of natural environment. A holistic approach and concerted action are key to the future of humanity. However, evaluating their effectiveness can be one-off and unrepeatable.


right to a healthy environment right to food climate change human rights

How to Cite

Tahyné Kovács, Ágnes. (2022). On the Impact of Climate Change on Human Rights, in Particular the Right to Food. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 10(2), 93–123. https://doi.org/10.32566/ah.2022.2.6


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