Mosaics from the Conservative View of Nature: The Example of Carl Schmitt

  • Pongrácz Alex
doi: 10.32566/ah.2022.2.4


The aim of the present paper is to explore, under the auspices of the TKP research sub-project on Sustainable Governance and Innovative Public Services, the increasingly acute climate and ecological crisis of today, a question of relevance for state theory and political philosophy, by focusing on the work of Carl Schmitt, an example of a conservative view of nature. It is worth pointing out that Schmitt did not develop an explicit conception of nature, so that we can only infer it from the ‘kernels of thought’ scattered throughout his various writings.


Carl Schmitt concept of nature climate change

How to Cite

Pongrácz, A. (2022). Mosaics from the Conservative View of Nature: The Example of Carl Schmitt. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 10(2), 67–76.


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