Territoriality Principle and International Standards on Minority Language Rights

  • Vizi Balázs
doi: 10.32566/ah.2022.1.4


Territorial principle emerges not only in domestic legislations on language rights, but also in international documents. The article aims at offering an overview of the interpretations of territoriality in international documents relevant for minority language rights, with a special focus on the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. While states often use territorial requirements as a tool of political control over minority language use, the interpretation of their obligations under the two Council of Europe treaties would require a more practical and technical approach to territorial limitations.


language rights territoriality international law European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

How to Cite

Vizi, B. (2022). Territoriality Principle and International Standards on Minority Language Rights. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 10(1), 39–63. https://doi.org/10.32566/ah.2022.1.4


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