Value, Identity, Conflict, Participation and Human Rights

– A Multidimensional Approach to Language Rights

  • Nagy Noémi
doi: 10.32566/ah.2022.1.3


This paper examines three main arguments in favor of recognising language rights. According to one of them, linguistic diversity is an important and preservable value, language is a factor shaping identity. Another approach points out that linguistic diversity leads to conflict if different language communities have different rights to use their language. According to the third line of reasoning, language rights are a means of access to other human rights, of democratic participation, but they themselves can also be considered human rights. Whether we see language rights as a guarantee of a value to be protected, a useful conflict management tool or a human right, the regulation of the language issue cannot be left to the discretion of individual states: there is a need for a more effective role for the international community.


language rights human rights value identity conflict participation

How to Cite

Nagy, N. (2022). Value, Identity, Conflict, Participation and Human Rights: – A Multidimensional Approach to Language Rights. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 10(1), 29–37.


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