Protecting Creation and Human Rights

  • Bándi Gyula
doi: 10.32566/ah.2020.4.1


The international community in the past decades has been struggling for raising the right to environment officially into the body of human rights, either on its own or in constituents – such as the right to water. Although environmental protection is the basis and condition of everything – also of human rights –, deeply based in Christianity and also part of the messages of the Church for decades. It has also been inevitable that human rights and environment – the Creation – should come together in the same teaching. Next, I shall follow this road from the beginning, together with its consequences, with a special focus on the teaching of the Catholic Church.


creation protection of creation ecological conversion social teaching of the Catholic Church human dignity common good quality of life environmental protection protection of present and future generations sustainability right to environment right to water

How to Cite

Bándi, G. (2020). Protecting Creation and Human Rights. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 8(4), 9–33.


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