The Significance of Charity in the Activities and Life of the Catholic Church from the Point of View of Canon Law

  • Ujházi Lóránd
doi: 10.32566/ah.2020.2.1


Charity is not specified beside the three branches in  the Church – governing, sanctifying and teaching –, but because of its importance it throws light on the governing, sanctifying and teaching missions. Moreover, charity works as a kind of link between the mentioned three branches. It is impossible to speak about the governing, sanctifying and teaching  missions of the Church without having its connection with the caritas. Because of the universal appearance of the caritas in the threefold activity of the Church the boundaries are becoming more blurred: in many cases the specific manifestation of charity belongs to any activity of the governing, sanctifying and teaching mission at the same time. What is more, the caritas is multi-coloured in the life of the Church. In this study I am looking for the answer how the  example and order of charity, originating from the founder, functions in the area of the threefold –governing, sanctifying and teaching – mission.


Catholic Church caritas governance sanctifying and teaching

How to Cite

Ujházi, L. (2020). The Significance of Charity in the Activities and Life of the Catholic Church from the Point of View of Canon Law. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 8(2), 7–30.


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