Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága

  • Mohácsi Máté


The article, the first part of a series, intends to give information about the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. It summarises some of the most important developments in this field during the second half of 2013. Furthermore it describes the modifications brought about by Protocols No. 15 and 16 to the Convention (among others, the reduction of the six month time-limit to four months and the possibility of the highest courts to request advisory opinions). The article briefly examines Hungarian cases on the 98 percent taxation and the dissolution of the Magyar Gárda. It also presents cases from other countries, which made a significant contribution to the development of the Convention’s case-law in this period: cases about whole life term imprisonment, the Katyń massacre, airport security checks and asylum proceedings, the use of teargas canisters, in addition to other cases about different aspects of fair trial rights, the principle of nulla poena sine lege or the freedom of association as well as cases related to the European Union law.



How to Cite

Mohácsi, M. (2013). Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 1(1), 169–184. Retrieved from


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