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In recent decisions the Constitutional Court dealt with the substance of several fundamental rights. It annulled certain statutory conditions of completing a ’living will’ for violating the right to human dignity. The Court found that the rule obliging a pregnant woman to inform her employer of her state in order to apply the rule prohibiting dismissal was contrary to the right to private life and human dignity. The Constitutional Court declared the integration of credit institutions as cooperative societies in accordance with the Fundamental Law, just like the state monopolization of the retail of tobacco products. The Court stated in a constitutional requirement that the lessee, similarly to the civil-law owner, is entitled to compensation in case a local government limits the usability of a real estate leased. The right to access data of public interest involves the accessibility of data concerning companies that are under the decisive influence of a company in permanent state ownership. The Constitutional Court interpreted several aspects of the right to a fair trial in connection with a disciplinary case of a judge. It examined the rules on the election of the members of metropolitan general assembly in the light of the principle of direct elections and equal suffrage. The Court dealt with the jurisprudence resulting in the prolongation of the term of limitation of fine and community service work, certain rules of the Criminal Code on aggregation of punishments and the constitutionality of the statutory conditions of placing someone in a lenient grade of execution.