A Kúria gyakorlatából

  • Berkes Bálint


Between 15 June and 15 August 2015, the Curia of Hungary rendered important decisions in respect of the following fundamental rights issues: right to respect for one’s home [Article VI, paragraph (1) of the Fundamental Law], right to the protection of one’s personal data [Article VI, paragraph (2) of the Fundamental Law], freedom of expression [Article IX, paragraph (1) of the Fundamental Law], freedom of scientific research [Article X, paragraph (2) of the Fundamental Law], right to property [Article XIII, paragraph (1) of the Fundamental Law], prohibition of discrimination [Article XV, paragraph (2) of the Fundamental Law] and right to a fair trial [Article XXVIII, paragraph (1) of the Fundamental Law].


Curia Fundamental Law

How to Cite

Berkes, B. (2015). A Kúria gyakorlatából. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 3(5), 53–64. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/actahumana/article/view/2717


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