Az Alkotmánybíróság gyakorlata 2015. április 20. és június 20. között

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In the last 2 months – between 20 April and 20 June – the Constitutional Court (CC) decided in 57 cases. It was the first time in two years that the president vetoed a bill and turned to the CC (“constitutional veto”). The CC found the bill unconstitutional partly because the bill wasn’t passed with two-thirds majority of Parliament and partly because it was against the right to healthy environment. The CC found 2 acts of parliament unconstitutional on “local land committees”. According to the acts these locals committees have the right to validate local lands’ sales contracts. The CC found it unconstitutional that even the silence of the local committee can prevent the validation of sales contracts. It also found short processual deadlines unconstitutional. In another decision the CC found a government decree discriminative. According to the decree the paid time off is different for certain public servants in educational fields depending on the type of institution they work for. The CC did not find another government decree discriminative according to which those who were imprisoned between 1963 and 1990 for political crimes are not entitled to higher pension. According to the decree in question only those who were imprisoned after the 1956 revolution but before 1963 are entitled to such a benefit. According to the CC such differentiation is not unconstitutional, because the aim of the decree is to lessen social disadvantages for those who were imprisoned earlier for political reasons.