A „magyar királyi köztársaságtól” a magyar köztársaságig

Az 1946. évi I. törvénycikk visszhangja a korabeli közjogi irodalomban

  • Schweitzer Gábor


Act I of 1946 on Hungary’s form of government is one of the most important documents of republican legal traditions. lthough legal literature has dealt extensively with the circumstances of the drafting, the provisions and the legal relevance of the Act, much less attention was paid to how contemporary constitutional law literature evaluated the Act and its dominant provisions. In the years between 1946 and 1948 several constitutional law papers were prepared, serving primarily educational purposes, on the most important changes in public law in the post-1945 period. The following paper intends to review the literature of the period in question written on Act I of 1946.


magyar köztársaság I. törvénycikk

How to Cite

Schweitzer , G. (2017). A „magyar királyi köztársaságtól” a magyar köztársaságig: Az 1946. évi I. törvénycikk visszhangja a korabeli közjogi irodalomban. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 5(1), 27–38. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/actahumana/article/view/2254


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