„Mezítlábas diplomaták” – példa a civil jogvédő szervezetek és a globális/nemzetközi intézmények együttműködésére az emberi jogok védelmében
Az ENSZ emberi jogi különleges jelentéstevője (special rapporteur) az emberi jogok védelmezőinek védője

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In 2013 the special procedures of the United Nations Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights OCHCR include the activities of 51 special rapporteurs with different thematic and country mandates. The study analyzes the mandate and the practice of the special rapporteur on defending human rights defenders. This mandate was established in 2000 by the UN. Up until now there have been two defenders: Hina Jilani (Pakistan) 2000–2008, and Margaret Sekaggya (Uganda) 2008–2014. At the writing of this article the position is vacant, in March 2014 a new rapporteur will be elected by the UN Human Rights Council. There are many violations against human rights defenders worldwide from killing them to stigmatizing their activities. These actions are committed by states and non-state actors. The goal of the institution is to provide a conducive environment for the defenders of human rights all over the world by gathering and spreading information about their problems via the different channels of the UN system as well as directly. The rapporteur may initiate urgent action to defend endangered defenders. There is special attention paid to women and other vulnerable human rights defenders like LGBTQ, young, migrant and local people. In this study the rapporteur’s different documents and communications are analyzed in the context of the international scholarly literature and the practical experience of the author, who was the ombudsman of Hungary 2007–2013 having access to the international and European human rights system. The defender of human right defenders observe this arena from every relevant aspect of the UN Human Rights Declaration in a document called “Commentary”(2011), which is the basic programme and strategy of her activities. The present study pays special attention to the right to protest, especially to demonstrations and strikes, as being one of the most problematic areas of activities in human rights defence during the author’s ombudsman mandate in Hungary. This study focuses on the problems of global democracy and the cooperation of NGO networks and international organizations (e.g. the UN).