Adatvédelem és közbeszerzés határán

  • Tátrai Tünde
  • Dudás Gábor


The new Public Procurement Directives call attention to the exclusion causes of chief officers, managers of economic operators. The former rules also mentioned the examination of individuals; however, the approach of the new Directives increases worries for data protection. Our article aims to explore these worries and problems stemming from the lack of harmonization of the Public Procurement and Data Protection Directives with respect to the actuality of the European Single Procurement Document on data protection of individuals on grounds of exclusion.


Data Protection Public Procurement

Hogyan kell idézni

Tátrai, T., & Dudás, G. (2015). Adatvédelem és közbeszerzés határán. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 3(5), 39–49. Elérés forrás


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