Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága

  • Mohácsi Máté


In the last months, the European Court of Human Rights adopted two judgments against Hungary, concerning, respectively, the law on tobacco retail and that on the allowances of disabled people. Both cases raised interesting issues of admissibility as well.

Apart from those decisions, this paper presents briefly some other judgments concerning, respectively, the State’s responsibility for the intervention in Iraq, the conditions of asylum seekers in the European Union, the right to a legal counsel in the framework of anti-terrorist police operations, the retrospective application of a criminal law, the home birth, the surrogacy arrangements and the freedom of movement. Besides, it reports on an interesting judgment concerning a case where a Supreme Court misrepresented, grossly arbitrarily, the findings of a previous Strasbourg judgment.


European Court of Human Rights European Union

Hogyan kell idézni

Mohácsi, M. (2015). Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 3(1), 103–117. Elérés forrás


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