Az anyanyelvhasználat, az anyanyelvű iskolaválasztás elméleti és gyakorlati összefüggései az iskolai tannyelv-választás tükrében (kárpátaljai eredmények alapján)
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For the survival and existence of national (traditional) minorities the usage of the mother tongue and the existence of a minority language school system are essential. The primary aim of the educational system of a certain country is to supply its inhabitants with the necessary capabilities to become good citizens of the state. From the point of view of a national minority a school system has a substantially broader functionality: teaching and using the mother tongue to empower the national identity. The current paper’s aim is to discover the influence of the Ukrainian language and education policy on the strategies of the Transcarpathian Hungarian parents regarding the choice of their children’s educational language. It is essential to highlight these aspects, as they have a huge impact on the future of the Hungarian education in Transcarpathia. The information gathered by this paper were collected by an empirical research. The first chapter of my study contains a review of the connection between language rights and language policy, paying special attention to the corresponding language related political decisions in Ukraine. The next section of this paper is trying to summarize the aspects Transcarpathian Hungarian parents consider while choosing the educational language for their children. This summary is based on my previous researches, conducted between 2008-2014.