Az anyanyelvhasználathoz való jog az Európai Unión kívül: az ukrajnai példa

  • Tóth Mihály


In Ukraine, as in the independent post-Soviet states, the symbol of the country’s sovereignty was the codification of the language of the titular nation as the state language. The status of Ukrainian as the sole state and official language of Ukraine is contrary to the Russian-Ukrainian bilingualism of the country. Analysing the language policy of the country, used in the last quarter century, the author notes that the Ukrainian legislators cannot establish the real language situation in the society.


anyanyelvhasználat Ukrajna

Hogyan kell idézni

Tóth , M. (2016). Az anyanyelvhasználathoz való jog az Európai Unión kívül: az ukrajnai példa. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 4(3), 19–31. Elérés forrás


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