Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága

  • Mohácsi Máté


Since last April the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has adopted two judgments in cases against Hungary, notably in the cases concerning the dismissal of the President of the Supreme Court and the freedom of speech in Parliament. This paper also discusses a Hungarian judgment concerning the detention of asylum seekers, as well as judgments adopted in respect of other countries concerning, among other issues, the case-law on pre-trial detentions, the so-called Bosphorus presumption, the locus standi of non-governmental organisations intending to represent vulnerable victims before the Court and the freedom of religion and assembly in Turkey.


Alapjogi jogesetek Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága

Hogyan kell idézni

Mohácsi , M. (2016). Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 4(4), 137–152. Elérés forrás


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