Full Issue

object(Publication)#705 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(29) { ["id"]=> int(5094) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2021-09-16" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2021-09-16 16:01:25" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(6161) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(1) ["submissionId"]=> int(4973) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2021) ["issueId"]=> int(441) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(4) "5-22" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2020.3.1" ["abstract"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(1764) "

In ensuring the operation of an IT system, it is essential to maintain the data’s confidentiality and integrity, which is based on some encryption processes. Encryption procedures are based on algorithms, the theory of which is given by cryptography. Due to their complexity, they are often hardly understandable not only to an average person but also to the majority of professionals who are familiar with IT. The algorithms used are not eternal; various designs or implementation errors or even performance gains from computer hardware improvements make one time high achieving algorithms obsolete and easily hackable. Strong algorithms can be circumvented in alternative ways, the necessary software and hardware infrastructure can already be built from personal computing devices. I tested its effectiveness on two different password databases: with the success of hacking university passwords, I prove that it is possible to circumvent strong algorithms with simple methods. Modern encryption algorithms have a relatively long life cycle and they become obsolete slowly. The construction of the quantum computer creates a new situation, which requires a number of procedures to be eliminated and its parameters to be modified or protected by additional methods. As it is an impossible task to modernise the encryption algorithms of all IT systems operating today, preparations must be started as soon as possible so that the new situation can be handled, at least for critical systems. In my article, I would like to draw attention to the weaknesses of encryption methods, present a possible method of circumventing the cryptographic methods currently in use, demonstrate the operation of a quantum computer and some algorithms relevant to the topic.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(1963) "

Egy informatikai rendszer működésének biztosítása során alapvető elvárás az adatok bizalmasságának és sértetlenségének megtartása, melyek biztosítását a legtöbb esetben valamilyen titkosítási eljárásra alapozzák. A titkosítási eljárások algoritmusokon alapulnak, melyek elméletét a kriptográfia adja és bonyolultságuk miatt gyakran alig érthetők nem csak a közember, hanem az informatikában jártas szakemberek többsége számára sem. Az alkalmazott algoritmusok nem örökéletűek, különféle tervezési vagy implementációs hibák, vagy csak a számítógépes hardver fejlesztések adta teljesítménynövekedés következtében a valamikor jól teljesítők is elavulnak és könnyedén feltörhetővé válnak. Ez az aránylag lassú folyamat a kvantumszámítógép megjelenésével robbanásszerűen gyorsul majd fel, kikényszerítve egyes algoritmusok kivezetését. Napjainkra az első kvantumgépek megépítése és sikeres gyakorlati működése egy olyan, akár már néhány éven belül valósággá váló új jövőképet rajzol fel, melyben a ma használt titkosítási eljárások egy része belátható időn belül megfejthetővé válik. Lehetetlen feladat minden ma működő informatikai rendszer titkosítási algoritmusának korszerűsítése, ezért mihamarabb el kell kezdeni a felkészülést, hogy legalább a kritikus rendszerek esetében kezelni tudjuk a kialakuló új helyzetet. Cikkemben szeretném felhívni a figyelmet a problémára, bemutatni a jelenleg használt kriptográfiai eljárásokat, elemezni az egyes érintett területeket, valamint a változás okozta hatásokat és lehetséges megoldásait. Rámutatok, hogy az erős algoritmusok adminisztratív úton is megkerülhetők, egy egyetemi jelszó adatbázison végzett mérésen keresztül pedig bizonyítom, hogy erős algoritmusokkal titkosított jelszavak feltörése egyszerű módszerekkel is lehetséges.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(13) "Koczka Ferenc" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(91) "Security of Encryption Procedures and Practical Implications of Building a Quantum Computer" ["hu_HU"]=> string(78) "A kvantumszámítógép és lehetséges hatása a titkosítási algoritmusokra" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#740 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(14) { ["id"]=> int(6161) ["email"]=> string(31) "koczka.ferenc@uni-eszterhazy.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5094) ["seq"]=> int(1) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7541-6495" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(28) "Eszterhazy Karoly University" ["hu_HU"]=> string(27) "Eszterházy Károly Egyetem" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(21) "

Director of IT

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(29) "

Informatikai Igazgató

" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Koczka" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Koczka" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Ferenc" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Ferenc" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(2) { ["hu_HU"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(12) "titkosítás" [1]=> string(16) "lenyomatképzés" [2]=> string(17) "jelszóbiztonság" [3]=> string(10) "feltörés" [4]=> string(21) "kvantumszámítógép" } ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(10) "encription" [1]=> string(9) "hash code" [2]=> string(17) "password security" [3]=> string(5) "crack" [4]=> string(16) "quantum computer" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#753 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(19241) ["id"]=> int(4599) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5094) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
object(Publication)#119 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(29) { ["id"]=> int(4857) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2021-09-16" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2021-10-13 10:29:18" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(5673) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(2) ["submissionId"]=> int(4736) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2021) ["issueId"]=> int(441) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(5) "23-36" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2020.3.2" ["abstract"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(764) "

A global health crisis can have long lasting effects on many areas of life, and the military is not exempt of its effects either. This article aims to highlight the possible usage of the military in various forms of emergency situations, especially in the case of the current coronavirus pandemic, particularly focusing on cooperation based on partnerships, while also highlighting the effects the Covid-19 epidemic had on the military. Civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) is a cornerstone of military operations these days, and its positive effects on military operations, especially in the struggle against the pandemic are also detailed. This study is based on the events and experiences of the first seven months since the outbreak of the Covid pandemic.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(33) "Padányi József, Ondrék József" } ["subtitle"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(66) "Civil-Military Cooperation in the Fight against the Covid Pandemic" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(62) "The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on Security and the Military:" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#749 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(5674) ["email"]=> string(25) "padanyi.jozsef@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(4857) ["seq"]=> int(2) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6665-8444" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(37) "National University of Public Service" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(116) "

Head of the Doctoral School of Military Engineering, National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(8) "Padányi" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "József" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#726 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(5673) ["email"]=> string(24) "ondrek.jozsef@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(4857) ["seq"]=> int(2) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1831-5479" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(63) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:37:"National University of Public Service";}" ["hu_HU"]=> string(63) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:37:"National University of Public Service";}" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(100) "

Doctoral School of Military Science, National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Ondrék" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "Ondrék" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "József" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "József" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(5) "CIMIC" [1]=> string(5) "Covid" [2]=> string(8) "pandemic" [3]=> string(11) "cooperation" [4]=> string(8) "military" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#769 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(19243) ["id"]=> int(4600) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(4857) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
object(Publication)#185 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(27) { ["id"]=> int(5583) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2021-09-16" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2021-10-12 12:48:53" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(6779) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(3) ["submissionId"]=> int(5459) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2021) ["issueId"]=> int(441) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(5) "37-51" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2020.3.3" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(976) "

It is a basic requirement of the nations participating in multinational operations that the necessary resources be available at the required place and time, in the determined quality and quantity with optimal costs. In all of this, the Contractor Support to Operations, one of the pillars of the support to operations, has a more and more significant role. This method of support (besides the Host Nation Support) is destined for covering the gaps in the national military capabilities and capacities. It is indispensable these days to employ contractors for capitalising on their technological knowledge, as well as for achieving cost savings and a growth in the capabilities. The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA or Agency), the ‘contract integrator’ organisation of the NATO also support the NATO and the nations this way. In this article, the authors would like to introduce the operation of the NSPA and discuss the potential opportunities in its use.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(29) "Pohl Árpád, Gulyás György" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(76) "The Role of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency in Support to Operations" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#773 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6779) ["email"]=> string(21) "pohl.arpad@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5583) ["seq"]=> int(3) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3768-4293" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(32) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:7:"NKE HHK";}" ["hu_HU"]=> string(32) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:7:"NKE HHK";}" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(4) "Pohl" ["hu_HU"]=> string(4) "Pohl" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Árpád" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "Árpád" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#120 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6780) ["email"]=> string(24) "gulyas.gyorgy@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5583) ["seq"]=> int(3) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "NKE HHK" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Gulyás" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "György" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(23) "contracted capabilities" [1]=> string(8) "contract" [2]=> string(21) "support to operations" [3]=> string(34) "multinational commercial solutions" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#775 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(19244) ["id"]=> int(4601) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5583) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
object(Publication)#187 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(29) { ["id"]=> int(5295) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2021-09-16" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2021-09-16 16:01:25" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(6389) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["submissionId"]=> int(5173) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2021) ["issueId"]=> int(441) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(5) "53-70" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2020.3.4" ["abstract"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(1821) "

In this study, the authors seek to address the question whether Boko Haram can constitute a threat to European security. Toanswer this question, one mustanalyse recent Nigerian migration patterns to Italy, actual reports, peer-reviewed academic works, a wide variety of regional journals and media articles. By evaluating all available research sources, it can be concluded that the answer is not as clear-cut as one might thinkat first glance. On the one hand, we could argue that a terrorist group like Boko Haram cannot constitute a serious European security threat, since the majority of Nigerians arriving in Europe seems to have decided to flee their country of origin due to economic, social and security reasons, therefore, these migrants have nothing to do with terrorism. On the other hand, we could also argue that Boko Haram can pose a threat to European security, by taking advantage of migration flows and inserting its own soldiers, thus creating terrorist cells within them. We have found plenty of evidences related to the terrorist organisation’s increased use of women as soft targets and the potential re-radicalisation of traumatised children in Europe. Since its alignment with ISIL in 2015, there has been growing concern that Boko Haram could follow suit with focusing its efforts on refugees, infiltrating migration flows and thereby creating a significant security risk to Europe. However, in recent years the number of Nigerian migrants arriving in Europe has been decreasing, which could be justified by tighter links between African and European governments and by stronger European control. If this continuous cooperation and tight internal European border security andpolice procedures are to remain, there is less chance for Boko Haram to constitute a threat to European security.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(26) "Sinkó Gábor, Babos Tibor" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(56) "Can Boko Haram Constitute a Threat to European Security?" ["hu_HU"]=> string(56) "Can Boko Haram Constitute a Threat to European Security?" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#778 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(11) { ["id"]=> int(6389) ["email"]=> string(22) "sinkogabor58@gmail.com" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5295) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Sinkó" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Sinkó" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Gábor" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Gábor" } ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(41) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:15:"Óbudai Egyetem";}" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#774 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6390) ["email"]=> string(18) "babos@uni-obuda.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5295) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Babos" ["hu_HU"]=> string(5) "Babos" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Tibor" ["hu_HU"]=> string(5) "Tibor" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(2) { ["hu_HU"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(5) "Angol" } ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(10) "Boko Haram" [1]=> string(17) "European security" [2]=> string(7) "Nigeria" [3]=> string(9) "migration" [4]=> string(12) "infiltration" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#780 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(19245) ["id"]=> int(4602) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5295) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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Libya has sunk into chaos since Muammar Gaddafi was deposed by a Western-led military intervention in 2011. Since then, the Libyan crisis has escalated into an internationalised armed conflict, and a major power struggle between Turkey, Qatar, Italy, and Russia, Egypt, France, and the United Arab Emirates. In the last few years, General Khalifa Haftar has become Libya’s most prominent military commander, who is now ruling the eastern part of the country, as the head of the Libyan National Army. His military offensive, launched in April 2019, to capture the capital Tripoli forced Turkey to help the UN-backed Government of National Accord to avoid defeat. But Haftar too received additional military support, especially from Abu Dhabi and Moscow. This escalated the conflict even further, spurring Ankara for another, this time more consequential intervention, which was able to change the local balance of power, so diplomatic efforts and the peace process could get another chance.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(14) "Selján Péter" } ["subtitle"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(51) "A Strongman, Russian Mercenaries and Turkish Drones" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(61) "Military Intervention and Changing Balance of Power in Libya:" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#777 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(7208) ["email"]=> string(15) "peter@seljan.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5326) ["seq"]=> int(5) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9470-9509" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Selján" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Péter" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(5) "Libya" [1]=> string(9) "civil war" [2]=> string(12) "intervention" [3]=> string(16) "balance of power" [4]=> string(6) "Turkey" [5]=> string(6) "Russia" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#785 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(19246) ["id"]=> int(4603) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5326) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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It has been ten years since Stuxnet, a highly sophisticated malware that was originally aimed at Iran’s nuclear facilities, was uncovered in 2010. Stuxnet is considered to be the first cyber weapon, used by a nation state threat actor in a politically motivated cyberattack. It has significantly changed the cybersecurity landscape, since it was the first publicly known malware that could cause physical damage to real processes or equipment. Its complexity and level of sophistication, due to the exploitation of four different zero-day vulnerabilities in Windows and the usage of two stolen certificates, has triggered a paradigm shift in the cybersecurity industry. The recently uncovered cyber espionage campaign known as SolarStorm is a worthy anniversary celebration for Stuxnet. Especially because now the tables have turned. This campaign targeted the United States Government and its interests with a highly sophisticated supply chain attack through the exploitation of the SolarWinds Orion Platform used by thousands of public and private sector customers for infrastructure monitoring and management. In this article, I attempt to summarise the key points about the malware deployed in the SolarStorm campaign that can be drawn from reports available at the time of the writing.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(14) "Selján Gábor" } ["subtitle"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(61) "Analytical Summary of the SolarStorm Cyber Espionage Campaign" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(42) "The Remarkable 10th Anniversary of Stuxnet" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#782 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(11) { ["id"]=> int(6481) ["email"]=> string(15) "gabor@seljan.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5380) ["seq"]=> int(6) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Selján" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "Selján" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Gábor" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Gábor" } ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(52) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:26:"Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem";}" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(8) "backdoor" [1]=> string(14) "cyber security" [2]=> string(13) "cyber warfare" [3]=> string(7) "malware" [4]=> string(19) "supply chain attack" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#784 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(19247) ["id"]=> int(4604) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5380) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }