The The Israeli Way of War:

How Israel Would Wage a ‘War for Existence’ against a Peer Competitor

  • Csepregi Zsolt
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2024.1.3


The study demonstrates the difference between contemporary Israeli military and national security operations under the ‘Campaign between Wars’ framework and the way Israel would wage a ‘war for existence’. The paper first outlines Israeli military strategy and theory regarding an existential war, while aiming to show how Israel would use its military capabilities. The paper explains the most plausible scenario of a war between Israel and a peer competitor, namely Iran and its proxy network, and the question of using nuclear weapons. Finally, the study presents the potential effects of such war on Israel, its enemies and the region. The paper argues that the most important aspect of Israeli conventional and nuclear warfighting capabilities is that they provide such a robust deterrent that they make war extremely unlikely. However, Israeli deterrence is based on the firm belief that the preparation for the war for existence is the most significant national goal, thereby establishing Israel as a linchpin to the regional balance of power, as a regional great military power itself is incapable of becoming a regional hegemon while assertively balancing against any such contender.


Middle East Israel balance of power Iran military strategy

How to Cite

Csepregi, Z. (2024) “The The Israeli Way of War:: How Israel Would Wage a ‘War for Existence’ against a Peer Competitor”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 23(1), pp. 35–56. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2024.1.3.


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