Hypersonic Weapon Systems as an Indicator of Changes in Concepts and Theories

  • Tarjáni Attila
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2023.1.7


Since the hypersonic weapon system has gotten into service, the military strategists try to assess what changes the new capability will cause in the current theories and concepts. Even though there is much discredit around the effectiveness of the system, everyone agrees that it will shape and change the security environment. However, the first worries focused on the changes of current nuclear strategy, inherently the weapon will implicate other significant changes in the character of war. At the theory level, the capability of the system can override the current A2AD concepts, it can compel the adversary by bargain power and it can also put the current warfighting concepts at risk. Therefore, the analysis should focus on every segment of the current concepts and theories to predict how the system changes and shape military science.


hypersonic coercion theory warfighting concept competition continuum

How to Cite

Tarjáni, A. (2023) “Hypersonic Weapon Systems as an Indicator of Changes in Concepts and Theories”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 22(1), pp. 91–99. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2023.1.7.


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