Small Countries and Cyber Defence

  • Sherifi Shkendije
  • Nagy Károly
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2013.2.14


Cyber security problems pose a particularly important challenge for Small Countries. Their achievements can easily be destroyed by a cyber attack. Therefore, Small Countries cannot rely on the great powers or alliance systems the same way they would in the case of a  military threat. A new interpretation of the concept of cyber space creates a new approach to cyber security problems. This new  approach and the cooperation with the cyber defence system of NATO facilitate the development of an individual cyber security policy  and the support of social development.


cyberspace virtual worlds cyber security cyber defence comprehensive approach

How to Cite

Sherifi, S. and Nagy, K. (2013) “Small Countries and Cyber Defence”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 12(2), pp. 329–342. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2013.2.14.


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