International Collaborative Military Mapping Programs’ Implementation and Development Opportunities in Hungary

  • Nyerges János
  • Kulcsár Gábor
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2013.2.8


The two most important military mapping projects in Hungary are the Multinational Geospatial Co–production Program (MGCP) and the SAAB JAS 39 Gripen aircraft support, with digital mapping system. 29 countries joined the largest mapping program, called the MGCP to create up– to–date, 50k scale, high density 1°x1° cells for a geospatial database to cover the majority of the global landmass.  Hungary has been a participant since December 2005, and contracted 28+1 data cells for completion by 2013. Under the terms of the Gripen lease–purchase agreement, Hungary has to provide basic data for the aircraft on–board system which requires continuous  database maintenance for both surface and obstacle databases. Another task is to maintain the Digital Map Generating System (DMGS).


Multinational Geospatial Co–production Program (MGCP) SAAB JAS 39 Gripen (Gripen) Digital Map Generating System (DMGS)

How to Cite

Nyerges, J. and Kulcsár, G. (2013) “International Collaborative Military Mapping Programs’ Implementation and Development Opportunities in Hungary”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 12(2), pp. 273–280. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2013.2.8.


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