Military Science Research Across the Carpathian Basin

doi: 10.32565/aarms.2016.3.4


Military science has always been an important factor of scientific life, considering its relevance for current strategic stability and the possibly prosperous future of a country or a nation. The century long shaping of military technology and warfare was a process through which ancient military commanders’ strategic and tactical concepts were correspondingly reformed to adapt and exceed the rapidly changing characteristics and the continuously shaping environment. Strategic research is the basis for turning “unpredictable” and “world-shaking” into “understandable” and “prognostic”. This analysis aims to highlight the current institutional capacities of military science in the Carpathian-basin and present the guidelines and operational level of the ongoing strategic studies in the region, while demonstrating the importance of maintaining and supporting the relevant Hungarian military research purposes.


military science scientific research military technology strategic planning research institutes Carpathian-basin Slovakia Slovenia Austria Croatia Serbia Ukraine

How to Cite

“Military Science Research Across the Carpathian Basin” (2016) AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 15(3), pp. 239–248. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2016.3.4.


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