Low Altitude Ballooning in the Point of Hungarian Defense Force’s Communication Support


The balloons live renaissance of their military applying nowadays. They were found as ISR platforms holders and communication relays on the Iraq’s and Afghanistan’s battlefields. There is an advanced demand to connect the far and blocked areas. In this paper we can provide an alternate solution opposite the expensive satellite communication. We study in our paper the tethered and autonomous high or low altitude platforms, how can we deploy as a military communication relay? We show the international examples and we write about the possibilities of the Hungarian applications.


balloon low altitude platform high altitude platform communication relay radio

How to Cite

K. Károly and G. Mikó, “Low Altitude Ballooning in the Point of Hungarian Defense Force’s Communication Support”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 294–308, Aug. 2017.


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