Challenges of the Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Visual Line of Sight and Beyond

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.3.5


The question often arises: What is the maximum distance of the UAV from the remote pilot during a VLOS operation? The answer is complex, and no specific numerical value is assigned, as it can be determined by considering a combination of factors. Unfortunately, the oft-mentioned rule of thumb of 1 km cannot be applied in all cases. In some cases, 1 km is the absolute maximum. However, it should be taken into account that the operation can become a BVLOS operation even a few times at a distance of 100 m, even if landmarks or other factors do not obstruct the visibility of the UAV.


unmanned aerial vehicle drone visual line of sight beyond visual line of sight drone operation visual distance

How to Cite

Z. Sándor, “Challenges of the Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Visual Line of Sight and Beyond”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 69–78, Sep. 2024.


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