Drone-Mountable Radiology Module Development Concept

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.3.12


A wide range of sensor architectures for fixed- or rotary wing drones with different purposes and uses have been or are being implemented. The author would like to give a taste of the development of an airborne sensor module for drone-mounted airborne beam detection to be developed in the framework of the present call TKP2021-NVA-16. The present paper briefly reviews the operational criteria for the application, the background of the development of the
sensor module, the measurement fundamentals of the R&D, the radiological sensor and general purpose sensor system under development, the design fundamentals of the possible flight altitude and speed of the launch vehicle.


gamma spectroscopy gamma spectrometry dose rate measurement

How to Cite

J. Csurgai, “Drone-Mountable Radiology Module Development Concept”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 181–202, Jul. 2023.


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