Integration of UAS into Traffic of the Aerodrome
Copyright (c) 2023 Vas Tímea, Halászné Tóth Alexandra, Bali Tamás, Dudás Zoltán, Bottyán Zsolt, Gajdos Máté, Fekete Csaba

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The integration of UASs (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) into civil and any special use of airspace have already started. Their integration into the air traffic management system is being done by reducing the risks that can be identified in the operational environment. UASs are seen as a threat in the airport environment, but their increasingly wide range of applications as work drones make them a more cost-effective and cheaper solution for many tasks. The conditions under which they can be integrated into airport traffic depend on many factors. In our research plan, we are working on the development of decision support solutions that model the use of UAS work drones and conventional aircraft in joint airspace and airports using VR, AR tools, risk assessment and mitigation solutions and specific ATC procedures. Our model airport uses the model for state flights as a starting point.
How to Cite
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