The Present and Future of Hydrogen Use in Aviation

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.3.5


In recent years, an enormous amount of greenhouse gases have entered the atmosphere. A significant part of it is linked to aviation. Hydrogen is one of the most promising alternatives for replacing the currently used fossil energy sources, which are available in decreasing quantities. It can also be used as a propellant for energy production in traditional gas turbine engines, internal combustion engines and proton exchange membrane fuel cells. However, its storage, transportation and loading it into the aircraft is often a difficult or unsolved task. Multiple plans have been created to solve these problems. Their implementation is currently under way, with deadlines of 2030 and 2050. The purpose of this article is to give a comprehensive picture of the results achieved so far and to predict the possible future of the use of hydrogen.


fuel cell hydrogen powerpaste decarbonization aviation cryogenics

How to Cite

P. Csató and G. Óvári, “The Present and Future of Hydrogen Use in Aviation”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 59–76, Jul. 2023.


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