The Role of Work Drones at the Integrated Aerodrome

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.2.10


The TKP IMA research of the integrated model airport project includes the examination and systematisation of the application areas in which unmanned aerial vehicles can appear as work drones in the airport area. In addition to the usability role, the work safety, infrastructure and service operation background of the workers, as well as the integrability and flight safety factors are also examined. The aim of the research is to formulate proposals for the type, drive and application characteristics of the work drones that can be used in each application areas.


aerodrome work drone integrated operation infrastructure flight safety

How to Cite

T. Vas and M. J. Fodor, “The Role of Work Drones at the Integrated Aerodrome”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 129–136, Mar. 2023.


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