What Could Be the Successor to Gripen?

doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.3.11


Controlling and defending the airspace over a territory is a priority for a nation in every age, in every period. The most  modern combat aircraft from all over the world are involved in this task. What cutting-edge means exactly is a  combination of many, many ingredients. These include the technical parameters, the operational environment, the  system integrability and the possibilities of obtaining armament materials. But each of these components is  state-of-the-artat the time of manufacture and installation, and then degrades and ages with use. Towards the end of  an aircraft’s “life cycle”, the dilemma of replacement or  modernisation arises. With the dilemma comes new  questions. Will the successor also enable Hungary to still be one of the strongest air forces in the region? Is it worth  buying more older aircraft equipped with modern  equipment or fewer aircraft equipped with the latest  equipment? In this publication, the authors seek answers to these questions by presenting some possible “successors”. 


Aircraft Kite Structure on-board electronics value for money armament developments fighter aircraft JAS 39 Gripen

How to Cite

G. Major, B. G. . Bodnár, and L. Szilvássy, “What Could Be the Successor to Gripen?”, RepTudKoz, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 139–153, Aug. 2022.


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