Urban Air Mobility, Involving the 3rd Dimension in Air Traffic

doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.3.9


Due to the dynamic population increase on our planet, metropolises with several million inhabitants developed  here, because of high population density, the daily traffic  b became a challenge. The present situation has made the  involvement of the 3rd dimension, that is air traffic – e.g. air taxis – necessary. The typical means of air traffic could be  the eVTOL vehicles, having low noise emission and what is  the most important, they have electric propulsion. 


UAM urban air mobility air traffic urban traffic air taxi carbon-neutral flight

How to Cite

L. Gémes, “Urban Air Mobility, Involving the 3rd Dimension in Air Traffic”, RepTudKoz, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 111–120, Aug. 2022.


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