Overview of the International Radar Symposium Best Papers, 2019, Ulm, Germany

  • Balajti Istvan
doi: 10.32560/rk.2019.3.553


Nowadays, the interference cancellation or mitigation plays a key important role in the effective use of the advanced radar technology. This article is focused on the symposium presentations related to Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) of the radar systems. The modernisation of the Hungarian Army, the success of the Zrínyi 2026 program, basically depends on the understanding and the professional service of new technologies during their lifecycle. In civilian applications, the inter-radar interference of automotive radars is an emerging problem for automotive radar applications in case of dense deployment. Consequently, it is a priority task to gather, evaluate and transfer collected expertise on the advanced research findings and concepts related to emerging sensor technologies. It looks like the permanent engineering/scientific policies should be implemented to monitor and maximise radar performance to support safety measures required within EMSO. The article summarises the most recent results of the radars taking into account the domestic


radar electronic attack/electronic protection Passive Radar (PR) Bi- & Multistatic Radar Systems Cognitive Radar

How to Cite

I. Balajti, “Overview of the International Radar Symposium Best Papers, 2019, Ulm, Germany”, RepTudKoz, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 31–63, Jun. 2020.


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