Objective Identification of Supercells Using Lightning Data
Copyright (c) 2023 Páll Márton, Wantuch Ferenc

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
An average of 60–80 supercells are formed in Hungary every year, most of them are causing harmful weather phenomena in Hungary. Supercells deserve special attention for their predictability and recognition, as these thunderstorms are associated with most significant weather events, such as significant hailstorms, downbursts, and, in rare cases, mesocyclonal tornadoes. In our work, 124 Repüléstudományi Közlemények • 2022/3. szám
we were interested in the lightning characteristics of supercell thunderstorms, and we also set up an empirical scoring system to decide, based on real-time lightning data, whether a given thunderstorm cell is a supercell or not. By developing the lightning index, feeding the measured
data into the nowcasting system, a metric could be fitted to each thunderstorm cell, with the help of which a decision on the type and intensity of thunderstorms could be made simply by considering the lightning data.
How to Cite
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