The Applicability of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Aviation

doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.1.1


In this article the authors describe their searching activity, and their achievement in the competition called ATM Student Invention Challenge. As the task of the competition the artificial intelligence as a future flight support and service tool was examined. Following the introduction and the description of the currently applied technologies in our topic, the authors outline some of the untapped potentials that can bring significant changes to the innovation of flight safety and efficiency. Our goal is to expound the possible directions of development using the present research as a base.


artificial intelligence human factor logistics aviation safety

How to Cite

J. Sári, B. Békési, T. Vas, K. Kele, M. Magyar, and R. Szabó, “The Applicability of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Aviation”, RepTudKoz, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 5–18, Jul. 2021.


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