Astronauts Were Quarantined, Too

  • Felkai Péter
doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.1.4


In the dawn of space flight scientists were very much afraid of microorganism-caused infections imported from space. That is why they suggested the application of the old method of quarantine in order to block space-origin infections. Unfortunately, a new pandemic has come from the Earth, not from space in 2020. In this moment mankin„ similarly to our ancestors, has no effective therapy against the pandemic. One of the prevention possibilities of COVID-19 infection for astronauts is quarantine. The present article describes the history of the astronautical use of quarantine.


COVID-19 quarantine pandemic infection control spaceflight

How to Cite

P. Felkai, “Astronauts Were Quarantined, Too”, RepTudKoz, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 39–47, Jul. 2021.


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