Interpretations of Human Error in Aviation

  • Dudás Zoltán
doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.1.5


The author attempts to describe whether the human errors in aviation could be taken out of the system, or otherwise they are useful and prevention methods could be based on them. The human error, as parts of safety philosophy, are examined by many theories like the Reason theory, the SHEL(L) theory, and the SRK theory. Although, approaches and perspectives from which they circumscribe most of the frequent types of human error are different theories and conclusions have some similarities. One common element of them is, that they could not tell whether human error is acceptable or unacceptable. So as to answer this question the author points out the difference between old fashioned and modern safety philosophies.


decision making flight safety human error human factor Reason theory SHEL(L) theory SRK theory system model

Hogyan kell idézni

Z. Dudás, „Interpretations of Human Error in Aviation”, RepTudKoz, köt. 33, sz. 1, o. 49–57, júl. 2021.


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