Recent Questions of Helicopter Force Development

  • Réz Levente
doi: 10.32560/rk.2019.3.460


In 2018, the Government of Hungary decided to purchase 36 light and medium helicopters. These Helicopters represent the most advanced technology of our time, with the most advanced avionics, reconnaissance and weapon systems. There are several conditions for receiving and integrating the helicopters in service. The doctrinal background associated with the new types, operational applicability, tactical procedures and infrastructure conditions are essential to get started. My article was designed to highlight the questions on most important areas of service integration. 


helicopter HForce C4ISR infrastructure AIRBUS H-145M

How to Cite

L. Réz, “Recent Questions of Helicopter Force Development”, RepTudKoz, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 77–88, Jun. 2020.


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