Two Channel Hygrometer System for Airborne Applications

  • Tátrai Dávid
  • Bors Noémi
  • Gulyás Gábor
  • Bozóki Zoltán
  • Szabó Gábor


Knowing the space and time distribution of atmospheric moisture has an essential importance in the field of climate research and meteorology. For this purpose in-situ measurements are must – they can be based on research or scheduled aircrafts. For such measurements a two channel hygrometer system has been developed that can accurately measure not only the humidity of the atmosphere but the ice or liquid water content of the present clouds up to even 15 km flight level. The accuracy of the system has been proven through several blind laboratory and in-flight comparisons. Recently the developments were focused on the size and weight reduction without scarifying the accuracy or response time. Now the system can be placed in a 19”3U rack with 29 cm depth with 7.5 kg weight. The measurement system, some measurement results that prove its reliability and the latest developments are introduced.


two channel hygrometer system aircrafts

How to Cite

D. Tátrai, N. Bors, G. Gulyás, Z. Bozóki, and G. Szabó, “Two Channel Hygrometer System for Airborne Applications”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 241–252, Apr. 2015.


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