Mobil Navigation and Lighting Systems of a Deployable Airbase Activation Module

  • Vas Tímea
  • Fekete Csaba Zoltán
  • Gajdos Máté


The „Smart Defence” strategy was launched with a vision for the Alliance to be able to design, develop and deploy required capabilities using multinational cooperation. One project was identified as Deployable Airbase Activation Module (DAAM) and its goal is to reduce surpluses, to fill niche gaps, to rebalance existing capabilities in order to increase number of sets and moduls to support NATO air operations. In this paper the authors examine only a narrow section of sets of the deployable air base supporting, namely the deployable lighting- and navigation systems.


Deployable Airbase Activation Module air operations lighting- and navigation systems

How to Cite

T. Vas, C. Z. Fekete, and M. Gajdos, “Mobil Navigation and Lighting Systems of a Deployable Airbase Activation Module”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 169–181, Apr. 2015.


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