Design of Networked Services

  • Veres Péter
  • Bányai Tamás
  • Illés Béla


The globalisation of economy and market leaded to increased networking in the field of manufacturing and services. The processes of these manufacturing and services including logistics became more and more complex. The design and operation of these complex processes can be described as NP-hard optimisation problems. These problems can be solved using sophisticated modelling, methods metaheuristics based algorithms. Much of the research in this area is focusing on manufacturing. This paper aims to report a firefly metaheuristics based optimisation method, by the aid of which it is possible to support the solution of design and control problems of networked service processes. The authors describe a general model and present a new metrics to measure permutation distances used in the algorithm.


networked services networking logistics

How to Cite

P. Veres, T. Bányai, and B. Illés, “Design of Networked Services”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 143–153, Apr. 2015.


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