Automatic TAF Generating System Based on the Development of the NWP Output in Hungary

  • Wantuch Ferenc
  • Szobonya Nikoletta


The aim of the elaboration of the automatic TAF generating system is to support the automation of the airport forecast in Hungary in the immediate future. The speciality of the topic is the fact that in our country up to now there was no attempt to develop the method up to now, while the procedure has already been successfully used in the world’s other places for years, but the applied methods are not public. We would like to present our research results and invented methods, which are used as the (automatic) basis of the TAF telegrams. The automatic TAF telegrams successfully contribute to the increase of the reliability of the airport forecast in the future, because an automatically produced forecast may provide serious help in the forecaster’s work.


TAF generating system airport forecast automatization

How to Cite

F. Wantuch and N. Szobonya, “Automatic TAF Generating System Based on the Development of the NWP Output in Hungary”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 90–99, Apr. 2015.


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