Artifical Neural Networks and their Application in Aviation Meteorology

  • Hadobács Katalin
  • Bottyán Zsolt


In our unbelievably accelerating world, the pace of development has also intensified in the field of aviation. It can be observed from both a civilian and military viewpoint that land activities are increasingly moved into the air. The unmanned aerial vehicle that have spread at an explosive rate in recent decades have considerably contributed to this. The success and efficiency of certain aerial manoeuvres is significantly dependent on weather conditions, thus increasingly many and growingly special demands are received by meteorology experts from aviators. However, currently only the results of numerical forecasting models can be applied in the preparation of prognosis, which are not available outside of a specific time domain, furthermore the models are frequently unsuccessful in forecasting even small scale processes. Therefore, it has become indispensable to develop and adapt new methods, instruments in the field of weather forecasting. In our paper we introduce a method that is not widespread in Hungarian aviation meteorology practice yet, neural networks, and the possibilities of their application, based on related Hungarian and international professional literature.


aviation meterology artificial neural networks unmanned aerial vehicle

How to Cite

K. Hadobács and Z. Bottyán, “Artifical Neural Networks and their Application in Aviation Meteorology”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 36–48, Apr. 2015.


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