Challenges of Quality of the Power Plan Engineering Design Process


It is important that along the engineering design process the results of plans don’t contain only the recent technologies and design methods but also avoid the faults of former design processes. In many cases the newest engineering design process like 3D visualizations and results of the finite element methods hide the basic shortages of engineering plans. Consequently, if they are uncovered only under construction these will results unplanned cost raising or compromise of ultimate solution of subject of engineering plan. In conclusion both of them decrease the trust of engineer's work. This study would like to show the weak points of engineering design process consideration some study cases.


engineering design technical design systematic approach experiences of applying

How to Cite

C. Fenyvesi, “Challenges of Quality of the Power Plan Engineering Design Process”, RepTudKoz, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 141–150, Dec. 2016.


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