Theoretical and Practical Possibilities of a Micro and Macro Simulated EnviRonment in Hungarian Defence Forces in Order to Gaining and Sustain Capabilities


The aim of this publication is to sum up the possible micro, macro and global simulated environments designated for the Hungarian Defence Forces, its partners and military training facilities. The requirements of the defence forces, especially the Air Force, may be met by utilizing the latest technological improvements. This creates a virtual reality in order to maintain a beneficial and simple solution. As a result the micro simulation can be combined to macro- and later on to global simulated environment utilizing a mutual Virtual Airspace that provides unlimited opportunity for training and exercising.


flight simulator simulation enviroments recognised air picture virtual airspace simulation training

How to Cite

K. Domján, “Theoretical and Practical Possibilities of a Micro and Macro Simulated EnviRonment in Hungarian Defence Forces in Order to Gaining and Sustain Capabilities”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 401–414, Aug. 2017.


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