Process Model on Modernisation of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers’ Educato


Change in the past decade in higher education and the Hungarian Defence Forces he exerted influence, and they also practice the aircraft engineer to an education yet in our time. Competences appeared as requirement on output of the educations, what besides you appear as a criterion of change of the educations. Research and assessment concentrating on present requirements on the side of the employer and proper analysis for the sake of forecasting and planning may add value to the education and training portfolio development. This article is a try to disseminate some ideas and thoughts concerning the development and improvement of the present educational portfolio by a more proper understanding of the wants and needs of the military workplace through the example of the research and analysis of aircraft maintenance officers and their professional competencies.


aviation engineering education competency model officer

How to Cite

J. Tóth, “Process Model on Modernisation of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers’ Educato”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 331–346, Aug. 2017.


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