Space Solar Power Systems


This year, Peter Glaser's work was published 50 years ago, in which he first puts the possibility of installing solar power plants into space. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of the idea in the light of the scientific and technical development of the past decades and we have tried to identify the points requiring further development. Implementation is made difficult by collecting solar energy from several square kilometers of surface, and this surface should always turn to the sun. In addition to the problem with the large dimensions, there is also a serious problem in the discharge of the dissipating energy in the vacuum. In the field of costs, with the high price of spaceused-solar cells and the cost of launch vehicles is the main obstacles to implementation today.


solar power microwave power transmission satellites

How to Cite

I. Nagy, “Space Solar Power Systems”, RepTudKoz, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 67–74, Aug. 2018.


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