Risk Management in Palestinian Institutions

doi: 10.32560/rk.2019.2.15


The increase in the number of risks during the last decades triggers governments to search for the best ways to avert or mitigate these risks. The Palestinian Government is working in an unpredictable environment that rafts with risks and uncertainty due to the political instability and restrictions of occupation. Although there are many risks that the Palestinian institutions may face, this study focuses on two main interconnected ones. These two are the cut-off or decrease of the subsidies from international donors and the non-transfer of clearance revenues to the Palestinian National Authority by the Israeli Government. The likelihood of occurrence of these two risks and their impacts on the performance of the Palestinian institutions is pretty high. This study recommends a set of measures to decrease the effect of these two risks.


risk management international aids clearance revenues Palestinian National Authority Palestinian Government

How to Cite

K. Sulaiman, “Risk Management in Palestinian Institutions”, RepTudKoz, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 203–210, Jul. 2019.


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