Application of AI in Education


In the history of education, it has to be transformed several times or because of new challenges or because new technological opportunities have become available. At present, through the development of science, society is undergoing a major transformation. Currently, this process is just starting. The next generations, however, are faced with completely different social problems. Professional fields are disappearing, robotization will take over a significant among of work. The complexity of human work will be increasing. Those work that requires creativity will be needed mostly. This fact brings new challenges for education. At the same time, the underlying causes of significant technologies open up new opportunities in the field of education, as well. The technology that most transforming society in the near future is AI (artificial intelligence) and robotics. In this paper we discuss the relationship between AI and education and focuse on the development of education.


eLearning AI education

How to Cite

L. Ady and G. Terpecz, “Application of AI in Education”, RepTudKoz, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 111–126, Apr. 2018.


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