Condition Monitoring of Electric Motors by Motor Current and Vibration Analysis

  • Szabó József Zoltán
  • Dömötör Ferenc


During the condition monitoring of rotating machinery one of the most commonly used method is the comparison of vibration severity to various threshold values provided by international standards, and analysis of vibration signals using the FFT technology. This latter one method is an efficient tool to detect the potential severity of damages caused by vibration, too. In this paper apart from the method of vibration analysis the method of motor current analysis has been effectively used. It has been found, that the two methods are partly complementary to each other, and partly they confirm the conclusions drawn by each other.


electric motor vibration analysis motor current analysis

How to Cite

J. Z. Szabó and F. Dömötör, “Condition Monitoring of Electric Motors by Motor Current and Vibration Analysis”, RepTudKoz, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 69–76, Apr. 2018.


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